How Can a Dentists Help with Sleep Apnoea and Snoring?

Does your spouse complain of your loud snoring at night? If so, you could be suffering from sleep apnea without knowing. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, estimated that as many as 26% Australian adults are impacted by this serious disorder. In fact, sleep apnea and snoring is considered one of the most underdiagnosed disorders. When left untreated, the cost of treating other health problems due to snoring can skyrocket your medical bills significantly every year.

Sleep apnea and snoring is a chronic condition that occurs when the soft tissues and muscles in your mouth and throat relax, thus causing repeated sleep interruptions throughout the night. It occurs when something obstructs your airways while you sleep. If you have sleep apnea disorder, your breathing starts and stops several times every night. This interruption in breathing can last anywhere from 10 seconds or longer and occur as frequently as 20 or more times every hour as you sleep. This post will help you to know how a snoring guard from the dentist can help offer relief for sleep apnea and snoring disorder problems.

What Causes Sleep Apnea and Snoring?

Snoring is the harsh or hoarse sound that occurs when your air flows past the relaxed tissues in your throat, making your tissues vibrate as you breathe. Nearly everyone snores at one point or another, but to some people, it can be a chronic condition.

Various factors can cause sleep apnea and snoring, such as the anatomy of the sinuses and mouth, allergies, your weight, a cold, and alcohol consumption. When you inhale, you push air through your mouth, throat, and nose. If your airway is obstructed-including adenoids, soft palate, tongue, and tonsils-vibrate against each other as you continue to force air through. Such vibrations make a rattling, rumbling noise.

Several factors and conditions can obstruct your airflow. These include:

  • Alcohol consumption: Sleep apnea and snoring could be attributed to consuming excessive alcohol before going to bed. Alcohol relaxes your throat muscles and reduces your natural defense against airway restriction/obstruction.
  • Sleep deprivation: Not getting sufficient sleep can cause your throat to relax more thus causing snoring.
  • Nasal Problems: Chronic nasal congestion can cause sleep apnea and snoring problems.
  • The anatomy of your mouth: obese people may have extra tissues on the back of their throats that might narrow their airways. Similarly, if the triangular tissues which hang from the soft palate are elongated, airflow can be restricted, and vibrations increased.

Dentists Prevention for Sleep Apnoea and Snoring

If you think that your dentists can only treat your teeth, think again. So, if you suspect that you have severe teeth grinding, sleep apnea and snoring, you can visit your dentist for snore prevention solutions and advice. By looking at the conditions of your teeth, throat, and mouth, together with comprehensive discussions with you and your family as well as a sleep test, a dentists can collect more details on your risks of sleep apnea or snoring.

For instance, your dentist will know if you grind your teeth at night, which is something your brain helps you do in trying to open the airways. Your dentist can practice sleep medications, which focus on the utilisation of oral appliances to sleep apnea and snoring problems. To help determine the suitable snoring treatment, the dentist will have to undergo a sleep study. This study will assist your dentist to develop an optimum snoring treatment plan for you.

Treatment for sleep apnea and snoring is to utilise the continuous positive airway pressure machine. However, for patients and snorers who cannot tolerate using the machine, your dentist will provide an alternative solution. Worn during sleep, the custom dental positioning appliance can be likened to a sports mouth guard or orthodontic retainer. It pushes your lower jaw forward and restricts the airway from closing so that you reduce snoring and breathe comfortably.

According to research studies, more than 90% of patients recorded an improvement in their sleep quality after wearing this new anti-snoring devices on the market. Your dentists can also use mandibular repositioning devices- which will reposition your lower jaw forward and downward slightly to maintain your airway open while you sleep; these are oral appliances used to treat snoring or sleep apnea. Tongue-retaining devices places your tongue in place so that it doesn’t obstruct your airway.

There are numerous treatments used to prevent or stop sleep apnea and snoring, including painful, expensive dental surgeries or other unsafe procedures. Anti-snoring devices have been around for at least 350,000 years can help prevent sleep apnea using a snoring appliance dental known. This is a snoring prevention device that’s comfortable, flexible, and affordable. It is a device specially designed to maximiser airway passage and help you in breathing optimally so that you can enjoy a restful night.

The most effective way to find out what kind of treatment you need is to schedule an appointment with your nearest dentists, who may recommend you for a sleep study if they’ll suspects that you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea condition.

Other Sleep apnoea and Snoring Dentists Solution

In addition to anti-snoring devices therapy, there are other dental health solutions that can help with sleep apnea and snoring. These alternative treatments aim to address the underlying issues contributing to these conditions and provide relief for sufferers.

One such solution is maxillomandibular advancement surgery (MMA). This surgical procedure involves repositioning the upper and lower jaws forward, which helps to open up the airway during sleep. By creating more space in the throat, MMA reduces the likelihood of obstruction and improves airflow.

Another option is tongue retaining devices (TRD). These devices work by holding the tongue in a forward position while sleeping, preventing it from blocking the airway. TRDs are simple yet effective tools that can make a significant difference for individuals struggling with snoring or mild sleep apnea.

For patients with severe cases of sleep apnea, a combination of treatments may be necessary. In these instances, dentists may recommend using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines alongside oral appliances or other dental solutions. CPAP machines deliver pressurised air through a mask worn over the nose or mouth, ensuring that the airways remain open throughout the night.

It’s important to note that not all dental health solutions will be suitable for every individual suffering from sleep apnea or snoring. The best course of action should always be determined after consulting with a qualified dentist who specialises in treating these conditions.

By exploring various dental solutions alongside your dentist’s guidance, you can find an approach tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Remember that each person’s journey toward better quality sleep is unique – what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

So, if you’re seeking relief from your symptoms of sleep apnea or chronic snoring, don’t hesitate to reach out to a knowledgeable dentist who can guide you towards finding an appropriate treatment plan suited just for you!

Dental Treatment Benefits and Risks

When it comes to treating sleep apnea and snoring, dental treatment options can offer several benefits. However, like any medical procedure, there are also potential risks that need to be considered.

Let’s start with the benefits. One major advantage of dental treatment for sleep apnea and snoring is that it provides a non-invasive alternative to traditional treatments such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines or surgery. Many people find these devices uncomfortable or inconvenient to use on a nightly basis. With dental treatment, patients have the option of using anti-snoring devices therapy that are custom-made to fit comfortably in their mouth while they sleep.

These anti-snoring devices work by repositioning the jaw or tongue in order to keep the airway open during sleep. By doing so, they help reduce the frequency and severity of both snoring and episodes of interrupted breathing associated with sleep apnea. This not only improves quality of life but also has long-term health benefits by reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems linked to untreated sleep apnea.

In addition, dental solutions for sleep apnea and snoring are often more affordable than other treatment options. CPAP machines can be costly upfront, require regular maintenance, and may not be covered by insurance plans. On the other hand, oral appliance therapy is generally more cost-effective over time.

However, it’s important to consider the potential risks involved in dental treatment for sleep apnea and snoring as well. While rare, some individuals may experience temporary side effects such as jaw discomfort or tooth movement due to wearing oral appliances consistently during nighttime hours. These issues can usually be resolved through proper adjustment and monitoring by an experienced dentist specialising in treating sleep-related breathing disorders.

It’s worth noting that successful outcomes largely depend on selecting a skilled dentist who possesses expertise in managing these conditions effectively through various dental approaches tailored specifically for each patient’s needs.


Dentists play a crucial role in the treatment of sleep apnea and snoring. With their specialised knowledge and expertise, they can offer effective solutions to help patients get a good night’s sleep and improve their overall quality of life.

By understanding the causes and symptoms of sleep apnea and snoring, dentists can provide tailored treatments that address specific issues. From anti-snoring devices therapy to other dental solutions, there are various approaches available to alleviate these common sleep disorders.

Anti-snoring devices therapy has proven to be highly successful in treating mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea and snoring. These custom-made devices help keep the airway open during sleep by repositioning the jaw or tongue. This non-invasive approach is comfortable for patients and offers significant relief from disruptive breathing patterns.

The benefits of dental treatment for sleep apnea and snoring are numerous. Not only does it improve breathing patterns during sleep, but it also reduces daytime fatigue, improves focus and concentration levels throughout the day, enhances overall mood, and lowers the risk of developing serious health complications associated with untreated sleep disorders.

If you or your loved one suffers from frequent loud snoring or experiences symptoms related to poor sleeping patterns like excessive daytime tiredness or morning headaches, consult with a dentist specialising in Sleep Medicine today! They can provide an accurate diagnosis along with effective treatment options specifically designed to meet your unique needs.

Don’t let sleep apnea and snoring disrupt your life any longer. Take the first kindly talk to your dentists!



Face Mask Controversy Covering Up Emergency Dental Services

Since COVID-19 unexpectedly interrupted our normal lives, everything has changed. Initially, wearing of facemasks was prevalent in some sectors such as the health industry. But today, walking in public without a face mask is illegal and punishable by law. In fact, most people have found themselves on the wrong side with the authorities. As a result, some have paid hefty fines for violating COVID-19 laws. Due to the need for enhancing law during these abnormal times, Victoria has now become Australia’s police state. The implementation of strict COVID-19 orders across all states is understandable, given that COVID-19 is an infectious and deadly disease.

COVID-19 Spread

You contract the COVID -19 virus once droplets from an infected person come into contact with your eyes, mouth or the nose. Therefore, through wearing facemasks, the transmissions are reduced. While this is an excellent move to combat the spread of the virus, most people with dental issues have ignored the need to seek help.

They are consoled by the idea that no one will get to see their teeth if they are wearing a facemask mask. Worse still, some regions across the world have locked up dental clinics. However, there is no need to worry especially if you are looking for an emergency dentist in the New Gisborne, Macedon and Riddells Creek areas. The dental health clinics in those areas are still open legally. You can visit them for emergency dentist services.

How to Book Emergency Dental Services during the COVID-19 Era

Emergencies come announced. The same applies to dental emergencies. During this COVID-19 era, where most services may be inaccessible, your life may literally be unbearable in case of a dental emergency. Unfortunately, the government has diverted all its attention to combat infectious disease.

People with other health problems are left out, making their lives impossible. Nevertheless, some regions have allowed emergency dental services to continue. Despite that, most patients are not seeking these services due to lack of knowledge or ignorance. But seeking dental services is worthwhile regardless of the times we are in. Let’s take a look at how to go about a dental emergency;

The Procedure

After realizing that you have teeth sensitivity or pain, it is impossible to remain calm. Toothaches are usually painful robbing you your peace of mind. But dentists can have your problem fixed. Note that these dentists are observing COVID-19 rules to protect the patients and themselves, of course. So, in case of any problem make a call to your nearby emergency dental services clinic. If you do not have the contacts, Google will have you covered.  A customer support staff will suggest to you what you need to do. They will help you book an appointment immediately given that emergencies can’t wait.

However, in case your dental problem is not severe, then it can wait for some time. In such a scenario, the support staff can suggest some first aid ideas to calm the situation before you get to meet the dentist.