Tooth Extraction Services

Emergency Dentistry Keeps Dentist Up in a Lockdown

Despite the trending COVID-19 related lockdown, emergency dental services are still accessible in some regions. Most cities understand the need for dental health. Hence, they have allowed emergency dentistry services. However, other operations in different sectors are in a stand-still. For instance, in Melbourne, only emergency dentists can stay open. So, if you live in regions such as New Gisborne, Riddells Creek or Macedon or within the surrounding areas, you can access emergency dentistry services.

Also, in Sydney, dentists are still open at the time of writing. So, don’t allow tooth problems to rob your peace of mind. In case you were involved in an accident and developed a toothache, gum bleeding, swelling or even jaw pain, you should book an appointment right away. Such problems fall under dental emergencies.

Why Seek Immediate Help?

Seeking immediate help is essential since it prevents possible infections and even increases the chances of saving your tooth. Don’t forget that tooth problems can become dangerous if proper and immediate treatment is not administered.  You can also develop tooth complications from the blues. Despite the trigger of your teeth issues, make sure you seek emergency treatment to keep tooth pain at bay. Professional dentists are always at your service. They offer top-notch dental services even within short notice. Let’s take a look at categories of dental emergencies.

What are Emergency Dental Services?

  • Lost dentures and broken tooth
  • Cracked tooth
  • Infection or facial swelling
  • Root canal therapy
  • Knocked out tooth
  • Toothache
  • Orthodontic
  • Infected wisdom teeth, and so on.

Importance of Seeking Emergency Dental Services

Unfortunately, teeth and gums problem doesn’t always occur during the daytime. Sometimes they may arise during the wee hours. You may have been involved in a car accident or even got hurt in sports or athletics. Whatever the case, you should not wait for tomorrow to access treatment services for the following reasons;

You may have sustained severe tooth injuries

Most people tend to ignore dental emergencies, not knowing that they can translate into serious problems. A situation could be more to that dental issue than meets the eye. The only way to be sure is seeking emergency dental services. The professionals will analyze the situation to combat any severe repercussions. Therefore, seeking immediate help will save you several possible complications.

The dentist can help save your tooth

In most instances, people have lost their teeth for failing to seek emergency services. Professional reduces chances of you losing your teeth. For example, they will offer you helpful tips on how to prevent your dislodged or loose teeth from falling off completely. Also, they can help enhance the firmness of your tooth.

Helps to combat Pain

Tooth pain is unbearable, and you don’t want to spend a whole night in extreme pain, waiting for the right time to see the dentist. Excess pain affects all parts of your system. However, through seeking emergency services, a dentist will find a suitable way to reduce the pain. For example, they can give you effective pain relievers to calm your nerves. With that in mind, never feel awkward about calling emergency dentist at any time of the night or day. They will help fix your tooth problem so that you can lead a pain-free life.

Emergency Dentists Only: Melbourne’s Crackdown Excludes Cracked Teeth

The Covid 19 pandemic has adversely affected the health sector in myriad ways. To curb the spread of the virus, governments have since set various restrictions. These mostly apply to the provision of dental health services. In Melbourne, dental associations are facing numerous challenges. Dentists are only allowed to perform emergency dental procedures, and most clinics have since closed down.

What are the common types of dental emergencies?

If you suffer nay dental emergency, you require the help of a local Melbourne emergency dentist to avoid further complications. Some of the common dental emergencies include;

  • Toothaches

Sounds simple right? Not really! Toothaches can be unbearable and require immediate treatment. If this happens to you, don’t put medications like aspirin to the tooth. They can worsen the problem and damage your gums, leading to infections.

  • Broken/Knocked out tooth.

You should seek help immediately in case of a broken tooth. Also, apply cold press to the affected area to ease the pain and swelling. In case of a knocked tooth, clean it gently, and don’t remove any tissues attached to the tooth. Seek help immediately and carry the knocked tooth with you.

  • Broken jaw

A possible broken jaw is yet another dental emergency that you shouldn’t ignore. If you suffer from such, apply a cold compress on the jaw, and consult your dentist immediately.

  • Bitten tongue

This is common in children. If it happens, clean the lip or tongue and apply a cold compress to keep the bleeding and selling in check. If the bleeding continues, visit the dentist near you for help.

What are the common causes of tooth cracks?

Biting hard substances is a common cause of tooth cracks. In most cases, tooth cracks go unnoticed or seem insignificant. However, if ignored, the crack can deepen and result in a lot of damage. It will weaken the tooth and expose the dentine and nerve endings.

When and why do you need emergency dental treatment?

Unnatural tooth fall and cracks are more severe than you can imagine. If the treatment is left o the next day, the problem will worsen, and it may also be too late for the dentist to fix the issue. Luckily, with small businesses using digital marketing more than everit’s easier to locate a dentist online.

What does emergency dental treatment involve?

If you suffer from partial or full tooth breakage, the treatment will involve procedures like; stopping the blood flow and cleaning the cavity to keep infectious elements at bay. The dentist will later seal the cavity using artificial elements like gold, porcelain, and other amalgams. In case of delays in sealing the tooth, you may suffer severe nerve damage, and the infection will likely affect the neighboring nerves.

Final thoughts

Melbourne boasts of a wealth of expert dentists and dental clinics. However, the restrictions around the Covid 19 pandemic have affected the treatment of various dental problems. The regulations exclude tooth cracks, though! And this is good news for anyone seeking emergency dental service. If you suffer a cracked or broken tooth, seek help promptly to avoid further damages.