Invisalign Braces

Invisalign is a method of treatment that corrects different types of orthodontic issues. If you are considering this treatment method, it’s important to know how it works and if it can correct problems. Once you’re properly informed, you can decide if it’s the right choice for you or your child.

How Does it Work?
This treatment method uses a series of specially crafted aligners that are made of a powerful thermoplastic material. Each aligner straightens your teeth a little more than the last using controlled force. Depending on the type of problem you have, you’ll need to be treated for about six months minimum. The maximum amount of time that treatment takes is about three years.

Does it Really Work?
In general, this treatment method works very well. Whether or not it will work for you depends on a number of factors. Dental issues it can correct include the following:

Gaps in Teeth
Misaligned Teeth
Other Issues
If you have an underbite or an overbite, then this treatment method will be able to fix these conditions as long as it’s not severe. Severe cases will require a different treatment method. If you have crowded teeth, gaps in your teeth, or if your teeth aren’t lined up properly, then it can help fix these conditions, too.

Invisalign won’t work for very severe cases, so it’s important to be thoroughly evaluated by your trusted orthodontist Columbia SC team to make sure this is the right treatment plan for you.

It’ll also completely fix your dental issues in an efficient manner if an experienced and skilled Carolina orthodontics team is treating you. Generally, it’s best to see an orthodontist when you are considering this treatment method because they are very skilled in this area of treatment. For best results, find an Invisalign Preferred Provider.

Invisalign The Foundation of Cosmetic Dentistry’s Popularity

Metal and ceramic braces have been the all-time go-to whenever you need teeth alignment. Orthodontists have used braces to correct crooked, misaligned teeth for children and teenagers for ages now. There are many types of braces in the market. You can choose the type of brace that works for your self-esteem. Unlike the misconceived conception that braces are for children, adults too can effectively benefit from them. The success rate for adults is even more than those noted in children and teenagers. The reason is that adults comply with instructions better than children.

Cosmetic dentistry has developed better ways of correcting crooked, misaligned teeth. Invisalign works the same way as braces. They are preferable to traditional braces because they are lighter and invisible, unlike bulky braces. Cosmetic dentistry has seen the emergence of the most professional Invisalign providers in dentist boutiques worldwide. But braces are still the more pocket-friendly options for many people who want to improve their smile. As much as Invisalign is convenient, not so many have adopted it. People still go for braces because they are more familiar with it.

However, adults should keep in mind a few facts before going for braces:

#1. Have healthy teeth and jaws

Orthodontists will recommend braces when you have strong, healthy teeth and jaws. This is to avoid gum diseases and jaw problems. So to get the best result, ensure that your teeth are not prone to teeth problems. The orthodontist is only concerned that you don’t get complications during the alignment procedure.

#2. Complicated teeth alignment

Aligning adult teeth can prove challenging. Adult teeth have stopped growing. Severe misalignments are, therefore, more challenging to correct. Braces alone may not correctly rectify the situation. You may have to undergo oral operations as well as other orthodontic treatments. Not performing these treatments creates a risk of developing more dental problems and diseases.

#3. Dental treatments other than orthodontics

Most adults will have more underlying dental issues that require attention before the alignment. Adults who neglect their oral health are more prone to dental problems. Tooth decay, damaged teeth, or gum diseases can make it impossible to get braces unless they are taken care of first. The adults also have a higher risk of developing gum diseases. An orthodontist will send you to a periodontist if you are at risk or already have gum disease.

As an adult, the vanities of staring in your luxury renovated bathroom mirror at crooked teeth are a cause for concern. Your mirror renewed or not will still show you the real you. Correcting the problem is better than renovating your mirror to show you who you are not. To best align your teeth, you can choose between two options.

#i. Clear Braces

If you want to correct your teeth without alerting your social circle, these are the best to go to braces. They use ceramic, which comes in a more natural color, unlike the metal braces. The downside of clear braces is that you have to practice excellent oral hygiene. These braces are more prone to stains.

#ii. Invalisign

They have another name, plastic braces or invisible braces. Invalisign is not like traditional braces. Rather, it’s made of clear durable plastic and comes in trays that you can remove when eating. You have to make sure you use them for 20 to 22 hours every day.

Bottom Line

A beautiful smile is what we all look forward to at the end of the day. So whether you choose to use invalisign or traditional braces, follow it up with healthy oral hygiene.