When it comes to maintaining their kids’ dental health, the parents literally leave no stone unturned. Starting from brushing and flossing twice a day, to visiting a dentist after every six months, they implement whatever necessary to prevent cavities, sensitivity, gingivitis, etc.

Mentioned below are few dental issues that children of ages 5 to 11 suffer from. Please check them out right now.

  1. Emergencies

The experts carrying out gentle children’s dentistry methods said dental emergencies are unpredictable, or in other words, they can occur practically any time.

Kids participating in sports, falling while riding a bike, or roughhousing with siblings can break or crack their teeth. In more serious cases, a tooth may be completely knocked out from the mouth.

If your child’s permanent tooth falls out, please rush to a hospital. Place the tooth in a saline solution, plain water, or milk so that the dentist can place it back in the socket without any hassle.

You may be able to prevent dental emergencies to a great extent by encouraging your kids to wear a customized mouth guard, adhere to the rules, and be safe in general.

  1. Cavities

Most of the young kids are not capable of brushing their teeth without supervision. Coupled with this particular fact that some of them have a sugar-rich diet, cavities become a significant issue.

Tooth decay happens when a sticky film called plaque accumulates on top of the teeth. The acid present in the plaque erodes the enamel and gradually wears away the tooth.

To keep cavities at bay, make sure the kids are brushing their teeth with fluoride toothpaste and removing food particles and debris from even the hard-to-reach areas. If cavities still develop, go for a filling right away.

  1. Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth can be distracting and uncomfortable. They disrupt your child’s entire routine.

Tooth sensitivity is caused by a series of factors, so only bringing your child for a checkup after every six months can diagnose whatever is responsible. You may try home remedies such as rinsing the mouth with saltwater, chewing guava leaves, rubbing clove oil, adding onion to the diet.

  1. Excess Thumb Sucking

Several infants and toddlers resort to the thumb, sucking to ease anxiety. Now it does not become a problem until the child is older and continues with the habit.

Thumb sucking for a prolonged period negatively impacts the tooth development. Thus, parents must not allow it to pass the toddler stage at any cost.

Talk to your kid and let him or her know how thumb sucking can spread germs, push the teeth forward, and prevent him or her from speaking. Some parents try the reward system. Give the kids a sticker if they manage to go without sucking their thumb for an hour, and then increase the duration steadily.

The experts working for children’s rights on social media said while dentists are always there to help, the parents need to be a positive role model. They must maintain oral hygiene under all circumstances, and the kids will automatically adopt their habits.