They are the third and final set of teeth a human gets in their lifetime, so taking proper care of these teeth is essential. Besides brushing, flossing, and maintaining regular dental visits, a diet that supports teeth and gums is also advised.

Here are some of the best foods for healthier teeth that you should add to your diet. Also, there are a few facts that you need to know about a few recent advancements, such as self-ligating braces that can help you get healthy teeth.

Cheese, Milk, Yoghurt

Dairy is rich in calcium and protein, enhancing the enamel’s hardness and reducing vulnerability to cavities. Lactic acid in these food products also shields against bacteria that dissolve the outer layer of teeth. Reduce the consumption of saturated fats by choosing skim milk and other low-fat dairy products. This is true because of the added probiotics that make Greek yoghurt one of the most nutritious dairy products for oral health.


Vegetables such as Kale, spinach, Collard greens, and Romaine lettuce contain high levels of calcium and vitamin A, which help prevent periodontal diseases. The fibre also assists in maintaining the PH balance of the mouth and reducing cases of cavities in the teeth. This is why it is best to eat these vegetables raw; their fibre is also good at removing plaque from the teeth.

Apples and carrots

Apples and carrots are among the foodsyou can chew without making much of a mess because they are crunchy and help clean teeth. This helps minimise the growth of bacteria, which causes dental cavities. As long as you don’t bite into the apples, which could crack your teeth, be sure to cut them whole.

Meat, poultry and other protein sources like chicken, turkey, eggs, beans and nuts. As surprising as it is, specific protein sources can help you avoid periodontal diseases. Ensure you go for lean foods because fats cause inflammation in your gums. Eggs,which can be scrambled or boiled, are healthy additions between meals that do not harm teeth.

Black and Green Tea

These two types of tea are rich in polyphenols that act as antioxidants to prevent plaque formation and tooth enamel attack by mouth bacteria. Yes, there are, but very helpful, you know. Do not add sugar to your tea because it hurts your teeth.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are acidic and can cause tooth enamel erosion over time, but the good news is that saliva is produced when we have the fruits. It rinses out food particles and helps strengthen weak areas of your teeth to protect against cavities.

Admittedly, candies and such should be consumed sparingly as they are considered special treats; however, strive to include these foods into your diet as daily servings for a healthy dental routine in the long run. Lack of these essential vitamins and nutrients makes your teeth more vulnerable to costly dental procedures in the future. This oral care helpful information might help you have a bright smile and a way to dazzle the world.