World Cavity-Free Future Day

Dentists Rally for World Cavity-Free Future Day: Know the Myths and Facts about Cavities

From among the wide range of dental disorders that the people may suffer from, cavities, where decayed parts of the teeth develop into tiny holes, are considered most common.

Cavities can be divided into three types- smooth cavities occur on the side of a tooth, root cavities occur on the surface over the root, and fissure or pit cavities occur on the chewing area.

Although we think we know everything about cavities since our parents have been cautioning us about them since we were kids, we would not be able to separate the myths from the facts, or at least some of us won’t. Please go through the following write-up to get a clearer idea.

1.     No Pain Means No Problem- Myth

If your teeth do not hurt, they are fine. Not always.

By the time a tooth starts hurting, its nerves have already become inflamed and irritated. Decay would not necessarily generate pain, and the longer you wait, the more you have to spend on the treatment.

2.     Sugar is Responsible for Cavities- Fact

The experts carrying out social media marketing of dental issues said sugar causes cavities and anything containing sugar such as beans, bread, fruits, potatoes, etc. are also held responsible.

The sugars act with the bacteria presents inside the mouth already to form acids that erode the teeth gradually.

3.     Brown Spot is a Cavity- Myth

Many times the decay process stops abruptly, and the enamel hardens again. Now you are left with a benign spot, which is not a cavity. If it bothers you, consider opting for dental whitening.

4.     A Filled Tooth can have a Cavity-Fact

When not taken care of, the filling that tends to offer protection break down, and the teeth around the edges start decaying. As the popular adage goes, ‘nothing is permanent’. To expand the service life of the filling and to prevent further damage, maintain oral hygiene under all circumstances.

Now that we know what cavities actually are, what causes them, and what treatment options are readily available, it is time to explore an initiative that aimed attacking this issue all across the globe.

World Cavity-Free Future Day was founded by ACFF (Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future) in 2011, a non-governmental organization when its authorities came to know that nearly 90% adults and 75% school children suffer from tooth decay.

Celebrated on 14th October every year, the family dentists arrange campaigns in their localities to spread awareness and ask the people to implement the following measures with utmost diligence.

  • Escalate the age at which beverages and food items containing sugar are incorporate into the diet of children and alleviate the frequency as much as possible.
  • Brush teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and remember to floss. Rinse the mouth thoroughly after every meal.
  • Be mindful that breastfeeding and bottle feeding beyond 12 months can contribute to the risk of cavities.
  • Finally, yet importantly, visit a dentist for a checkup after every six months.

Only through action and cooperation can we make a noticeable difference in regulating the cavities among people throughout the world. For more information, check out the official website of ACFF.